You know the drill: banquets, concerts, field trips, parties and such.
Can I just say, I am not finishing strong. There may be backpacks untouched since Friday, banquet RSVPs forgotten, camp enrollments incomplete, permission forms lost... and yet, we go on. Thanks to the grace (and reminders) from amazing teachers.
I want to do all things well, I really do! But my flesh fails me. I stumble, fall and pick myself up again...and again.
Soon, like in 8 days, 3.5 hours, we will be free to toss the backpacks, file the notes, turn off the alarm and sleep till 10.🤣 Who am I kidding?!?! There will still be life and the events and re-formulated structure that summer break brings.
There will still be appointments, summer school, meals (, camps, harvest and lots of family time❤
Fortunately, I don't have to do it alone! Certainly, there are many hands in our home, but the greatest strength comes from my Heavenly Father. See, He promised me (and you!) long ago that He would never leave nor forsake me! His promises aren't dependent upon my circumstances, the seasons, my feelings or even my abilities!
If I begin to look around me and compare myself to others, I can easily lose focus of His promises and who He created me to be. Even when I struggle to get all things done in a day, a week or at the end of the school year, I don't have to beat myself up and stay in the trenches of despair and discouragement! He is an amazing Father, and He is with me always, even when He must carry me!
To HIM be all glory!
Connie J