
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Christmas Frenzy ~ Shopping With Purpose

My sweet friend Stacy is hosting Christmas Frenzy for the third year!
It's a one-stop shop for your Christmas shopping and a way to help families like ours who are fundraising to bring their Treasures home!  As Stacy says, it's a win-win.  You get to give a gift with a story.
By clicking on this link you will have access to many unique items perfect for gift giving.

As for our journey to Khloie, we are featuring four items at this time ~ 
By purchasing a Wild Olive Tee listed in the Adoption Fundraising Section and using our family code: JOHNSON704 upon checkout, you get a cool tee, and our family gets $10 toward our adoption!
Stacy's Jubilee's Jewel's has crafted this faith & hope pendant for us!  Your purchase of each pendant here, gives us $15 toward our adoption!
Our squeaky shoes can be found here!  They are adorable and ready for immediate shipping!
And finally, our very own adoption decals are available immediately as well!  Look on the side bar of our blog for the "Add to Cart" button!

Thank you for your prayerful support as we race to bring Khloie home!  May you be blessed and may the Lord be glorified!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that necklace and can't wait to get it in the mail! Praying all you funds will come together...I know it can create a lot of stress.
