
Friday, October 12, 2012

Kennah-Bug Update

Kennah had her ENT visit yesterday, and her tubes are open and her hearing is excellent!

This is amazing news, considering she could barely hear before surgery!

We have a pre-op visit in two weeks for her pharyngeal flap surgery. This will change her tone and allow her to form certain sounds she needs for language.

She is so brave!!!


  1. She is so adorable. I was just thinking about your little pumpkin and wondering how she is doing!

  2. That is wonderful news! This as I am sure you know and have said will make such a difference in her learning and her speech and just everything.Sam's hearing loss is permanant and it has caused so many issues for him..So thankful for this with your sweet girl.

  3. Thank you Jesus!!!! And the pharyngeal flap was a wonderful surgery for Jailyn! She had to take a 6 weeks off of therapy - and her first day back at speech school her teacher took her around the school having her talk to teachers - they were amazed at how her speech changed!!! AMAZING!!! She graduated from speech school a month later - they had no other goals to keep her there!! Praying the same for Kennah!

  4. Praying all goes well for your little girl!

  5. What a doll! Love that little smile of hers!
