
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Three Months!

It's hard to believe three months have passed since Boy Wonder was placed in our arms!  Despite the break-neck speed of the past few months, we've had incredible bonding time.

Gotcha, Kohlby Zane, March 2015!

 This is his personality - he brings the happy!

 And the funny!

Bless the boy and his pink.


You are forever a son and a brother.  I am so blessed to be your mama.  I am also thankful for all the people who helped us get you home.  You are energetic, fun and affectionate.  You add a little sunshine to every day.  I look forward to what the Lord has for you, and I cherish each moment I get to hold you.

I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
John 14:18


  1. Love these precious pictures!

    How did your presentation go to the church? Would love to see your slide show or excerpts of it!

  2. Just 4 months ago, we were fighting to get that Lil' Man home. So, so happy that he's made the transition into Family so well! He is Precious.
