
Monday, May 25, 2015

It's About Time

Chaos before the glorious wedding :)

I figure it's about time for life to settle into some sort of normal around here.  But I'll be darned if 'normal' doesn't keep changing the boundaries.  Yep, we're on shaky ground if we're waiting for 'normal' in our neck of the woods.

We just celebrated the marriage of Kolton and Alllie (I'll share that later when we have more pics and I have permission).  They are a beautiful couple, and it was a beautiful ceremony.  I'm reminded how quickly time flies as next month Kuyler and Caitlin celebrate their first anniversary!

In a few weeks we have the privilege of sharing our testimony with a Ch*nese ministry.  We're really excited...and a lot nervous.  Our prayer is that we would speak the truth of the gospel and that God would be glorified.

Then in July it's corn harvest, and that's just a season of nose-to-the-grindstone and don't look up till it's over!  The cool temperatures have slowed the crop growth, but the Lord has spared us of any damaging storms.  

Our summers aren't exactly 'lazy days,' but we're used to a bit of chaos.  The main thing is that we keep perspective and make time for extended family and friends.

Even though our life is on the crazy side, there is One who is unshakable and unchanging!
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Heb 13:8

He is the only One who can keep us grounded.  And no matter what circumstances or chaos I'm faced with, I can trust Him.

Oswald Chambers says it like this: 

"We are not made for the bright-shining moments of life, but we have to walk in the light of them in our everyday ways....If I am a friend of Jesus, I must deliberately and carefully lay down my life for Him.  It is a difficult thing to do, and thank God that it is.  Salvation is easy for us, because it cost God so much.  But the exhibiting of salvation in my life is difficult.  God saves a person, fills him with the Holy Spirit, and then says, in effect, 'Now you work it out in your life, and be faithful to Me, even though the nature of everything around you is to cause you to be unfaithful.'"

Friends, are you trusting Jesus in the chaos of your everyday life?

To Him be all glory!

1 comment:

  1. i was just thinking of you this morning and all you have had on your plate ...looks like that plate will continue to be abundantly full! enjoy the feast!!!
