
Monday, March 12, 2012

From the Fryin' Pan into the Fire!

I only have a couple mid-terms left (which I'm totally not worried about), and now my focus is on my term paper.! What-the-heck is APA format anyway? And who's the wise guy who started it? And what-in-the-world am I doing?
I just love kids and adoption and change.for.the.better.
I don't like research.
I do like writing.
Can I combine my love for writing with the necessity to research the facts and come up with my first APA formatted term paper that will pass?
I'll let you know.
Right now, I must walk away from this computer...


  1. Hello,
    I'm an adoptive mother of a beautiful daughter from China. I'm finishing up my PhD program and thought I'd pass along this helpful website. It's from Purdue University and helps with APA questions. I send my writing students to this site and they report it is a big help. Good luck and hang in there!

  2. I was going to suggest a website I have used too with my back-to-school papers. Google citationmachine (also called son of citation machine) and you can plug in your info and it will give it right back to you in either APA or MLA format. You choose. I have used it for all my back to school nursing papers! There are resources that will help you, Connie! You can do it!

    Carrie T. - mom to 4 from Korea

  3. Greta, I use the OWL site, and thank you for mentioning it! Carrie, thank you for telling me about the citation site! I need all the help I can get. Blessings to you all!

  4. Sooooo I too have been thinking about going back to school....can't decide if watching you tackle the process is helpful to my decision or not! Ha! :) Hang in there!!
