
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Answers and Shades of Grey

This is going to be a therapeutic blog post for me. We have answers from
BG Center.
That's good, right?!?
It is. The news could be much worse...and it could be better. Right now we have to process the information and prepare for lots of hard work.
There's no time to sit around, pouting and whining, although as a Mama I think I am grieving. This information doesn't change who my son is; it helps me understand where he's been and why he does the things he does...and doesn't do the things he doesn't do. And that makes me sad.
Over time, as we process the information and begin putting one foot in front of the other, I will share more. After all, the purpose of this blog is to
glorify the Lord, bring hope and encouragement to families considering adoption, families who have already adopted and to chronicle our journey of faith in parenting a Krew, (which will hopefully, ultimately, glorify the Lord).
I am overwhelmed right now, so I'm turning to the only One I know who can bring the perspective, hope and strength I need.
Proverbs 22:6 is a familiar passage ~
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.That's truth. Only thing is, instead of 18 years, we have 5, at most, with our Teen Treasure. Like I said, no time to sit around whining :)
I think this journey will take our faith to a new level. Romans 3:3-4a says,
"What if some did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God's faithfulness? Not at all!"I know the Enemy will fight like mad, so we must constantly arm ourselves. We must remember who we are in the Lord, and we must remember the power given us by the Spirit residing within us!
We don't want to misplace our hope. It is in Him alone.
Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25:4-5We should not be afraid; rather, we must draw strength from the One who gives it perfectly:
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights. Habakkuk 3:19
I know that just as a single candle brings light to a dark room, the Lord's promises will bring light to my gloomy heart.As for our impression of Dr. Gindis and the BG Center, we are very impressed and thankful for the service they offer to families of internationally adopted children! If you would like more specific information, please email me.Thank you for praying. My guys will return in the wee hours of tomorrow morning.
(I'm having trouble with Blogger adding cute ladybugs when I post so bear with me...)


  1. Praying for the peace that passes understanding for all of you. One day at a time. God will honor your faithfulness in moving forward and striving to honor Him as you seek his will for all your children.

  2. "I will strengthen you & help you"...such important words to remember EVERY.SINGLE.DAY., especially as we parent our children. We walked through some pretty tough terrain with one of our children, but it was so worth it & all of us have become stronger through it. I pray that in the midst of the hard work you have moments of rest & the ability to enjoy family. Hang in can do all things through Him! :o)

  3. Your son has been in my prayers. Grace & peace to you, mama, as you process, and seek wisdom.

  4. Keeping you and your son close in thoughts and prayers. Continue to lean on the Father and keep {daily} laying your burdens at His feet, and He will sustain you and continue to lead the way through these gloomy times. Sending Love and HUGS your way!


  5. We will pray with you! I remember a year and a half ago when we first realized the son we were bringing home might have FASD, and that the daughter we had already brought home might be progressing into autism, and I grieved for months for our children's sake, but also for the loss of the picture of our family's future that I had created in my mind. I had never imagined our family as "the special needs" family. I had heard it said of other families, "Wow, they adopted four (five/seven/whatever) special needs children. Aren't they just AMAZING?" and I really wasn't interested in being "amazing" like that! :-) A year and a half later, I don't think I'm completely done grieving, but I have certainly settled into the "new norm" as mom to now four special needs kids. So this is what I'm doing with my life, now, as opposed to whatever other plans I'd had, and this is what my kids are doing, and we're going to find a way through it all and rely on God and His endless faithfulness and mercy. I do think grief is normal, both for our children and for ourselves, and I do think anything "therapeutic," whether it's writing a blog or running in a marathon, is a positive step forward. Praying for you as you learn more about your son's needs and your role with him!

  6. I continue to uplift your family in prayer. You have my contact info so please email or text me whenever you need to. I'm here for you as you digest all this info and know that God will give you and Clayton the strength and wisdom to do the job that He has called you to do.

  7. So glad you have some answers! I will continue to pray for your family and Kooper's healing in the weeks and months ahead!

  8. I would love to hear more about what you learned (either through more blog post, or email).

    We, too, have a severely traumatized child that we need answers for. My heart grieves for her, and I am so concerned for her future if we don't get help soon. My heart grieves for my other young children, and how her behavior so affects them. My heart grieves for the family we were ... before adoption.

    Adopting older children can be Just. Plain. Hard.

