
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Eight by 8!

Yesterday I put six kids on the bus at 7:30.

Kolton ~ 10th

Kenzie ~ 9th

Kooper ~ 8th

Kayden ~ 3rd

Kambry ~ K

Kaeleb ~ Pre-K

(and I can't get this picture to move!) But when my littles got off the bus at 4:11 this was the reading, and they looked like wilted flowers :(

At 8:00 I took these two Treasures to PreSchool.

I was worried about Kennah.

It was her first day in another facility, away from Mama since May 22.


And big sister showed her the ropes.

Monkey business all.the.time.

I am certain if I survive this week, I can do anything!

Last week of corn (poor, exhausted Mr. Greenthumb)

4 softball games

1 football scrimmage

county livestock show

back to school youth bash

Kuyler's birthday, although we aren't celebrating till Labor Day weekend because he can't eat after his wisdom teeth extraction :(

I can't find the time to work... ah, well.


  1. I got tired just reading your post!! Bwaahaahaa...the "word verification" that popped up so I could post this comment was "momaten"! How appropriate, Mom of Ten!!!

  2. Whew! What a week you've had! What a DAY you've had!

    We put our little girl on the bus this morning and contemplated that by the time our next child comes home from China, we'll be putting three children on the bus -- seemed unmanageable until I read your post! :-)

    I blogged just a few minutes ago about an orphan in desperate need in China. Please feel free to pass along to your adoption friends the info on her from my site, if you're willing,

  3. Gracious girl! :) You've had a busy day and the week is just gettin' busier! :)

  4. You are a rockstar! Here's to a great year for all of those precious kiddos!(and a good nap for Mr. Greenthumb)
