
Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day School!

Look at the Krew!
Kuyler is a sr at THE UNIVERSITY...
then there's the 9th grader,
8th grader,
7th grader,
2nd grader,
and pre-K'er
Darlin', there's no way you're goin' to all-day school!
Oh, yes she is!And everybody would have been zombies after school...except for football practice, a softball double header and a 7th grader bouncin' off the wall excited.
Early to bed...


  1. Oh, my...that's great! And I won't lie...there's a slight streak of *jealousy* running through me right now! :)

  2. Wow, how exciting! I love the pictures. Your children are beautiful, all of them.

  3. What an exciting year to be had by all! :)
    And look at sweet Kenzie - taking care of her little sis! Love it!!

  4. so does that mean you had a day with just your two littlest ones? Bless your heart. :)

  5. Isn't it bittersweet to see them head off on that school bus. I love my kids, and miss them when they are gone, but I LOVE the time I have to get things done.

    BTW, LOVE the red boots on Kolton.
