
Friday, April 9, 2010

Five Months Home and Krazy Days!

This is one of the stupid pictures Kooper took in China. It's kinda how I feel many days... but it's not really that bad!

We're doing things we never thought we would do, going places we never thought we'd need to go, and learning things we never thought we should learn...but we serve a God who is not taken by surprise!

Every morning I ask the Lord to help me glorify Him no.matter.what the day brings. He knows what's going to happen and how I will respond. See, I used to pray for a 'good' day. But where's the growth in that? How can I glorify Him if it seems I'm capable of getting by on my own? Yep, I've learned to pray for opportunities to shine for Him no.matter.what. And boy, am I getting them - yikes!

So, here's the progress report:

Kooper has grown 1.5 inches and gained 2 pounds. He's learning to write in cursive. He's moving into 3rd grade math (if I could figure out how to teach him multiplication/division we'd go beyond!). He's starting Bob Books Set 2 on Monday. He's learning 100 sight words. He's doing story problems (yes, he's sort of understanding enough that we can do the stories!!!). Did I mention he's speaking in sentences??? And he's been sharing things about China, some good, some not so much. Our goal is to enroll him in school in August, and with the help of the Amazing Erica this summer, we just may accomplish this!

We had blood work done this week, and he goes in for allergy testing next week, in hopes we can gather helpful information for our trip to the International Adoption Clinic in Alabama next month. Right now we're trying to decide whether to drive or fly - yowza - both will cost a lot of $$$. But this trip is necessary!

The most monumental thing that happened this week is that Kooper sought out Dad to discuss a disagreement between he and Kolton. Shortly into the conversation he broke down and cried. That may not sound like a good thing, BUT IT IS! We've waited five months to see if our son is capable of feeling anything! Another good thing is that he and Kolton made amends and Kooper didn't hide in his room. He even let me comfort him and allowed me to join him on the front porch where he was sitting alone after supper.

And I bet you can guess my answer when every day he asks me, "Mom, you, me, tonight we sit on porch, talk about sun going down, China, family?"

I tell ya', we serve a very BIG GOD!


  1. A BIG God indeed! That last part has made my mascara ugly cry kinda run. So comforting to know that God has gone before us in all of our struggles. Praying for all of you as you continue this journey! Be blessed!

  2. Ohhhh, I am SO happy for you and Kooper. So glad to hear things are going well.

    BTW, hop over to my blog for our good news.

  3. Progress, yes! So good to hear these things. He's been through so much.

  4. OH, Connie!
    Sounds like so much promise in these rough patches!!
    Sitting on the porch with Momma and talking China and Family...This is deep, Connie! Alot of healing ahead. I'll pray, but, God will work. Hold on dear friend.
    love, good thoughts and prayers from michigan.

  5. Oh Connie!
    Yeah for progress, yeah for emotion, yeah for talks on the porch. Just reading your post brings tears-Jian has been asking for me to rock him at bedtime (10min) and so much comes out during our time together-things about China-good and not so good. We need to talk again soon.


  6. Oh wow, my friend, such HEALING!!!!! What an incredible progess report. So amazing.

    I LOVE the outlook you have on life--the easy road is so NOT the one that will stretch and challenge us to GROW..

  7. Oh my lands!!! Praise God!!! I just look at Kooper and think - am I acting that way toward God? Am I fighting him tooth and nail - when will I surrender the need for control?
    So thankful he has his beautiful family and amazing mother and father to help him through this hard transition! Praise God for that porch swing! I'm sure many memories will be made there!

  8. Wow Connie!! As I read this post today I could not help the tears from running down my cheeks....what beautiful progress. Koopers advances are very close to my heart and I know you understand that. I pray for you, your family and Kooper each day. Thank you for the encouragement. Love Mary

  9. Love this, Connie! God is working in that precious boy, and it's wonderful to see it happening!

  10. Enjoying catching up on some of my blogs now that we are back. This post moves me to tears. We do serve such a gracious and loving God. So glad to read this update.
