
Friday, March 5, 2010

They Say "It" Will Come

Language, that is. Some days I feel like I'm spinning my wheels when it comes to teaching English. We speak it, but can we teach it?!? I've listed the words that Kooper knows and uses frequently, and they total 39. That's a far cry from the 600 or so we need to carry on conversation.

Maybe my perspective is off, but it seems like four months of R*setta Stone and being surrounded by 9 highly verbal people would produce better results. I'm a glass-half-full kinda gal, so I think I'm going to start keeping a journal of all the words he uses regularly...and we'll celebrate the victories, no matter how small. I don't know when, but "IT" will surely come!


  1. It will come I promise! Just remember repition repition repition:) Yes he may be holding out on you also, but i promise he will achieve because the Lord is with him. Keep your chin up and maybe start a word chart with positive reinforcement! I will keep brainstorming for ya:) Love ya all so much!!

  2. Connie- My 3rd daughter from China wasn't as old as your son, but here's a thought (which you may have already thought thru...) My 3rd daughter from China came to us with speech-language delays and articulation problems which started in China. In other words, she was slow to speak in China. She has benefited from Speech Therapy while learning English. Would he qualify for Speech from your public school. Our daughter who is not in a public school but is homeschooled too, received ST at our nearby public school.
    Lorisa Smith

  3. This is a hard one with us....ours seemed like she really "got" the language early on, everyone said so, people who one would expect would know. But now, at 17 months home, communication is so, so poor. Either it's her- thinks she knows it all so doesn't pay attention to the subtle differences in word sounds or really listening to people- or we have too high of expectations. Communication wasn't our "biggest" issue several months ago; but I'd have to say, it contributes GREATLY to our day-to-day issues now. :( I guess we all just have to take it one day at a time and realize things often take longer then we expected in older child adoption.
