
Friday, July 11, 2008

What was I thinking?!?

Everybody loves Mommy's homemade 'sghetti, but these two are classic.
More, please.
Hmmm, leaves me speechless. So, this is how you eat spaghetti ...
Be sure to get the long noodles.
Relax, let it settle and keep on eating. Lick the bowl clean.
And finally, when the bowl is empty, eat what fell on the belly!And in case you are still wondering, this is why my kids are naked 90% of the time :)


  1. Wow! That must be some good spaghetti! :) I bought some plastic, wipeable bibs for my messy one--a very good investment!

  2. Oh My, I don't think I'd have the patience to watch all that.

  3. Man, what I wouldn't give to eat pasgetti like dat!!!!!!

    Doreen in Montreal

  4. Send me your recipe!!! I think I'd have to go the naked route, too!!

  5. Yep!! GREAT sketty!! Just take "em" out side and hose "em" down when they're done!:)
