
Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Good ole' cartoons.
Dream Team!
Ready for bed (and showing off)
Can you do this?
Watch me.
Do you ever have days where the minute your feet hit the floor you feel like you're in a marathon to: start laundry, plan meals, continue laundry, revise grocery shopping list, go to work, go to the ball game ... you get the idea. Despite our family's best efforts to slow down, whittle down extracurricular activities and share meals, I still feel behind schedule (yes, even in the 'lazy days' of summer - huh???). But in this flurry of activity, God has reminded me what is most important. Have I told my husband I love him today? Have I taken time to sit with my children and listen to their stories? Have I stopped to respond when they say, "Mom ... mom ... mom"? Have I thanked my friends for 'just being there'? Most importantly, have I spent time with my Lord? I can't stop thinking about the tragic death of Maria Sue Chapman. Steven's manager, Jim Houser, is blogging about how the family is 'surviving.' I can't imagine waking up every morning, only to realize that I will not get to hug one of my children. Though she has been healed (in Heaven), I'm afraid that just getting through the day would be crippling to me. We are not guaranteed a tomorrow, so I want to live life today as if there will be no tomorrow! Every day will be as full as I make it, but if I don't refuel with His strength, I will quickly lose perspective and purpose. As I was reading Luke this morning, I was thinking about God's perfect timing. We live in a society of instant gratification, we want it yesterday, and I'm guilty of that! But how many times in my own life has God's perfect timing prevailed and proven victorious over any plans I would have made. I don't have answers to all the following questions, but this list will serve as a reminder of God's faithfulness, His providence, His provision, His Salvation.
How long will so many of my friends have to wait to bring their children home?
Why did Abraham & Sarah and Zechariah & Elizabeth have to wait so long to become parents?
Why did the Israelites wander the desert for 40 years instead of entering the Promised Land?
Why did Jesus have to die at the age of 33?
How long did Noah build the ark?
Why would parents have to bury a child?
Why is my dad 61 and on his death bed when salvation comes? And why did I waste 36 years of my life before accepting Christ?
All I know is that no matter what today brings, God is still God, He is still in control, He is not surprised by our circumstances, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Rom 8:28)." We can't see the big picture, but He has a plan that is far more grand than anything we can imagine, and He will allow whatever it takes to bring that plan to fruition. May your heart be filled with joy today!

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Rom 12:12

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures!! AND that was some awesome insight!! Thanks for sharing.
