
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Oh, the drama!

Like what I say matters :) In the scheme of things, I really have nothing to complain about, but it's been a day. A month and a half ago we were re-fingerprinted by CIS, just in case we aren't in and out of China before March 7, when our prints expire. One year ago we were also printed and for the first time in 4 years my prints were unreadable, likely due to the amount of paper I handle as a court reporter. Live and learn, right? So at the time we were printed I repeatedly told the technician I was concerned about my prints, we don't have time to waste. He repeatedly told me he was the best there was :) Yeah, well, my prints didn't clear, and it took a month and a half for CIS to let me know. So all I need to do now is get city, county and state criminal checks done (for the 6th time since 2003, and like I've had time to commit any crime) and wait for an appointment with CIS to present the clearances, sign an affidavit and receive a new I-171H, extending our fingerprint expiration past March 7. Sounds easy, right? Well, we requested an appointment in late October, received the appointment December 18, and received word I didn't clear February 4. Just to be clear, this mama is not waiting that long on a piece of paper to bring my son home! I made a few phone calls today, put a few miles on the car, and will have all 3 clearance letters before Friday. Now, I just need to hear from CIS. Of course, should we get our TA this week, this will be a moot point - yeah! So to turn lemons into lemonade, if I have to drive to OKC for another appointment, it will be my "shop to pack" day! I recently told a group of adoptive moms that being in the adoption process continually for four years apparently has not brought out the best in me, at least when it comes to beauracratic inefficiencies. My God is bigger than all this, and He has already planned the time I will hold my son, and to that I will cling in my weakest moments today!

1 comment:

  1. And I thought once you're logged in the paperchase was over! I'm sorry you had to go through all of it again. Hopefully, you won't need it!
